Mirror : I was stuck in the worst ever traffic jam and saw a house in a right state' - How Woody made a huge £10,000 from a single photo of it
Paul Wood - better known as Woody from the Woody…
Real Business : What reality TV has really done for entrepreneurship
Established back in 2005, The Apprentice has…
Somerset Live : These are the 102 surnames entitled to unclaimed fortunes in Somerset
According to an online database, there are 112…
Lawyer Montly : Mental Incapacity & Personal Finance Are Not Good Bedfellows
Latest figures estimate that over 130,000 people…
Plymouth Herald : If you have one of these Plymouth surnames you could be in line to inherit a fortune through unclaimed estates
It has been revealed that there are over 40…
Yorkshire Post : The BBC heir hunter and an unclaimed Harrogate estate worth more than £40,000
Potential heirs to an unclaimed Harrogate estate…
Get Surrey : If you have one these Surrey surnames you could be entitled to claim a fortune
There are over 400 estates in Surrey that are…
Get West London : Thousands of estates in London remain unclaimed - the surnames which could be your ticket to riches
Thousands of estates left behind by Londoners are…