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Where there's no will, there's still a way to hunt down heirs

Amy Littlechild enjoys the thrill of the chase,…

Are you heir to a fortune

Are you heir to a fortune? It’s easy to find out!

Finders International hit headlines across…

Inheritance- how would you spend it

‘I inherited £250,000 from someone I’d never met’

Margaret Abbotts, 76, inherited £250,000 out of…

Company trying to trace heirs of old man

The Croydon Advertiser launches an appeal for…

Have you been contacted by an Heir Hunter?

When Myrtle Godwin received a phone call from…

M.D. Daniel Curran on BBC Radio Scotland with Stephen Jardine

M.D Daniel Curran on BBC Radio Scotland with Stephen Jardine

M.D. Daniel Curran featured on BBC Radio Scotland…

Padraic Grennan with LMFM Gerry Kelly

Finders on LMFM with Gerry Kelly

“Hear ye, hear ye, there be a women residing in…

Finders on the ray foley show

Finders on Dublin's 98FM with Ray Foley

This morning on The Ray Foley Show, we spoke with…