Nurse Corona Virus

Legal support services for key workers

The UK Government has designated solicitors…

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COVID-19 Funerals – What you need to know

The National Association of Funeral Directors…

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Mother cuts daughter out of her will for being a ‘spendthrift’

A retired bank manager is fighting for her share…


Covid-19—demand rises for Will writing services

Which reports that law firms in England have been…

Homeowners—what happens if you don’t have a Will?

According to the insurance company Royal London,…

derelict property

Neighbourhood watch: Is there a derelict property near you?

If you’re a member of your local Neighbourhood…

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Chancellor to consider closing inheritance tax loopholes

The UK’s chancellor is considering closing…

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Tax team to investigate family investment companies

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has created a new…


Performance update on probate service

The Law Society updated its members on the…