How to track down unclaimed inheritance

Here at Finders International, we often present…

Grieving families facing 'hidden' £6,000 'death tax'

Government plans to introduce a 'death tax' could…

How are heirs to unclaimed wills found?

As one of the main firms that searches for heirs…

Tips for checking your inheritance is genuine

Is it too good to be true? You receive a letter,…

The UK Probate Research Awards 2019

The UK Probate Research Awards set for 7 February 2019

First of its kind Supported by National…

Briefing Examines the Case for Will Writing Regulation

Is there a case for the statutory regulation of…

Green Paper on Social Care Out ‘Before the End of the Year’

The long-awaited Green Paper on social care in…

Competition Watchdog slams Funeral Costs

The UK’s primary competition and consumer…