
International Meeting for the IAPPR

Finders International is one of the founder…

Finders International Inaugural Deputyship Development Day

On the 14th September 2017, Finders International…

Council Applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Soar

Applications made to the court by councils for…

Inheritance Tax Collection at Record Level

Inheritance tax bills have reached their highest…

House Ownership and Demographics in the UK

How many people own their homes and how many…

Growing Problem of Lack of Burial Space

How would you feel about your body, or that of a…

DNA Testing – Right or Wrong?

Four friends who experiment with life’s modern…

The Cat That Didn't Get the Cream - Lessons from the Illot Case

Lessons from the Illot case If there are lessons…

Dementia Social Care Bill – 125 Years to Save For

It’s National Dementia Awareness Week (14-20…