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Estimated length of event: 30 mins

Empty homes: Understanding present barriers and incentives

In our next installment of Empty Homes webinars, our keynote speaker Jill Arriordaz will be discussing her research which explores the ways Councils and Empty property owners can work with Property developers (private and community based). A case study of an empty property development will also be covered.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the ways that local authorities and property developers can establish a relationship in dealing with Empty Homes
  • Ascertain the ways that local authorities and property developers can develop their relationship
  • Gain a more practical understanding through the empty property development case study.

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Our Speakers:

Experienced Residential Property Developer

Jill is an experienced local property developer, who is close to completing her MSc in Real Estate Management at Birmingham City University, Jill’s research dissertation is titled  ‘Can Empty Homes Make a Difference in a Housing Crisis?’  She is primarily looking at the issue of empty homes in our current housing crisis, and what the barriers and incentives are faced by a range of stakeholders inc. councils, community-based organisations, small developers and Empty property owners.

Event Organiser:

Public Sector Development Manager
Finders International

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