Locating Legal Rights Claimants

Ensure Compliance with Scottish Intestacy Law

Legal rights prevent a deceased from disinheriting close family members by granting an automatic entitlement to the movable estate. Solicitors and executors must trace all potential legal rights claimants to notify them of their interest in an estate, regardless of whether they were included in the Deceased’s Will, as a critical part of the executory process. Our service ensures compliance by efficiently identifying and locating these claimants, helping solicitors and executors meet their professional and legal duties to oversee an accurate and fair distribution of the estate.

Cost-Effective and Practical Solution

Our experienced genealogists and probate researchers can locate claimants without excessive time or effort. Our trusted service offers solicitors and legal practitioners an affordable and effective way to trace claimants to protect executors.

Documentation and Risk Management

We provide documented evidence of all search efforts, demonstrating that reasonable steps have been taken during the course of investigations. This documentation is crucial to enable solicitors to fulfil their responsibilities, protect the interests of all parties and manage risk and cost appropriately.