Empty Homes Services
In most cases this is because the owners need assistance, support, information or encouragement to help return empty homes to use. Although there are numerous other reasons that properties remain empty.
These reasons include, but are not limited to:
- Probate, estate or legal ownership issues
- Financial implications
- Requires renovation and/or building work
- Reluctance to let/sell
- Health issues
- Unaware of support options
The reasons can vary in severity. It is important, therefore, that we can give the appropriate level of support to those who need it.
The Impact of an Empty Home
Each empty home denies a household somewhere to live and returning an empty home to use has social, environmental and financial benefits. If left empty, properties can:
- Fall into disrepair or become ruinous or dilapidated
- Attract vandalism, antisocial behaviour and crime
- Cause damage to adjacent properties, and possibly health issues for neighbours through lack of maintenance
- Pose a threat to safety, particularly to young children
- Reduce the value of the property and the surrounding area
The Benefits of Bringing an Empty Home Back into Use
Bringing an empty home back into use has many benefits that include:
- Generating potential income for the owner and increasing property value.
- Reducing the risk of crime and vandalism for the property and the local area.
- Providing accommodation for others to use.
- Contributing to the regeneration of an area, increasing spending in the local economy and helping to protect the value of the surrounding area.
We specialise in tracing owners or their next of kin to empty homes and can:
- Give advice as to which services will benefit you and your organisation
- Arrange for properties to be cleared and secured
- Provide a full valuation service and sale service
Why Use Finders International
- This is a free service to local authorities
- We provide the best possible outcome in bringing empty homes back into use.
- We offer informal advice and assistance
- We avoid enforcement actions and incurring cost and legal fees
Finders can help with tracing empty home owner:
If the empty home is causing issues for councils and local areas, please share with us details of the property and we can trace the empty home owner and assist in getting property back in use.
Many thousands of viable empty properties lie vacant or derelict around the country. Where the owner has, or is thought to have, passed away we can trace next of kin efficiently and engage with them directly to bring the home back into use.
If the empty property owner is living, we can try and re-engage with them to try and resolve any issues around the empty property.
Key Services
- Identifying and tracing missing owners.
- Identifying and locating next of kin to deceased owners.
- “Value added” solutions to help reluctant owners resolve issues; such as repair and restoration prior to sale, maximising asset value.
- Partnership network including property clearance firms who will also secure, insure and arrange sales.
- A preferred panel of regional and independent SRA regulated firms who will only charge on successful resolutions and whose fees can be incorporated with our own when working on a commission fee basis.
We have many years’ experience of finding living next of kin for empty home owners, even when sometimes the property has remained empty for a very long time. These empty homes could be re-furnished and brought back into use with our help.
While next of kin may be distantly related or living outside of the UK, they will still be the rightful heirs to a property owned by someone who has passed away.
We can usually find next of kin within a few days and can assist the local authority empty homes officer by arranging for clearance and prompt refurbishment.
When clearing a property, we also carefully check for a Will and additional assets separating potentially valuable items and papers and retaining items that could be wanted by the family at a later date.
- AVIVA Empty Property Insurance: We can immediately add property to our policy, payable month by month or for long as is required; a fast and simple solution.
- Estate administration assistance including best practice searches and a range of services to help minimise risk.
- Fee options to suit the case in hand and contingency fee solutions at no charge to the council.
We will manage each case efficiently and effectively ensuring the empty property is returned to use as soon as possible.
If you would like any further information on our services or to arrange an appointment, please email our Public Sector Development Manager, Muhammad Uddin via [email protected] or call directly on (020 3940 0089)
Related Services:
Lendology have been delivering sustainable funding solutions across the private sector housing stock throughout the South West for over 16 years, in partnership with local councils. The scheme was devised to recycle council funds and enable homeowners to access a range of loans for improving, adapting and enhancing their properties, including owners of empty properties. Our unique business model focuses on ensuring a sustainable future for the areas we serve, and as a responsible finance provider, we are committed to making a genuine difference. For more information, visit www.lendology.org.uk or email [email protected].
Other Services:
We hold regular training events for those dealing with Empty homes, click here for a full list of our events and webinars.

Muhammad Uddin
Public Sector Development Manager – Empty Homes
[email protected]
020 3940 0089
Muhammad has over 17 years experience in Public and Private Sector Housing, most recently dealing with empty homes and bringing them back into use.
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